What are the best Shopify apps for dropshipping?

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Reading time | Last update: February 2025

What are the best Shopify apps if you have a Shopify web store and have your suppliers deliver directly to your customers?

You have set the right course. With dropshipping, you can handle a lot of sales in your Shopify store without having to spend a lot of money. The only problem is that there are a lot of apps for your Shopify store.

Which of the 2,000+ apps available will help you build your dropshipping business? You can find my top 5 favorites in this article.

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How can the best Shopify apps help you master these tasks of a dropshipper?

When you finish reading this post, you'll learn how the best Shopify apps can help you,

  • boost your sales with dropshipping without having to invest more capital;
  • avoid problems with PayPal as a dropshipper, so that you are perceived as a trustworthy provider and win every PayPal case;
  • Optimize your sales funnel so that you are able to turn visitors into paying customers;
  • Improve the level of service and customer satisfaction for your Shopify store so your customers keep coming back.

Active Campaign - Instantly increase sales and automation the best email marketing tool for dropshipping

Only if you are able to boost sales like a turbo, you are interesting as a partner for dropshipping.

Among the best Shopify apps for more sales belongs ActiveCampaign

The app enables automated email marketing. This saves a lot of time and includes scaling of follow-ups in the sales process.

Once a user has visited your Shopify store (and left again), it generates ActiveCampaign after an hour, an email asking if the visitor would like to learn more.

If the answer is positive, the program automatically notifies the sales team. If the answer is negative, the deal is closed. 

Another function is the rating of active contacts.

If a contact opens their emails more often than average, the system automatically gives them a tag as an engaged contact and notifies the sales team again. And the app can do even more: 

Shopping cart recovery can be integrated into it. If a contact clicks on the link to the store while reading an email, puts the products in the shopping cart and forgets about it or empties it again, the system generates an automatic reminder to restore the shopping cart.

Thanks to Active Campaign the sales process is structured, automated and scaled, which increases sales.

However, that alone is not enough. If you can't respond to increasing demand, interest in your store will wane. Buy more stock? That puts pressure on liquidity.

This is where your dropshipping motive comes into play.

Find reliable dropshipping partners and you'll be able to supply many more customers without spending more money.

PayPal Seller Protection - Protect your PayPal account by winning more PayPal cases

If you decide on a growth strategy with dropshipping, it is important to offer a payment method that sufficiently protects your customers, but also you as a seller.

Keep in mind that you never hold the goods you sell in your own hands. Nevertheless, you are obliged to deliver when you conclude a sales contract.

What are the best Shopify apps for payment integration if you're a dropshipper? 

There are many apps for Shopify to integrate payment methods. 

But you can't do it without Paypal, which can be enabled with Shopify Payments. 

Paypal is the only payment method that supports dropshipping and is one of the most important Shopify apps around.

To hedge against the risks, Paypal requires large reserves from business customers who engage in dropshipping.

Payouts only occur a long time after the actual transaction. Fees, payment deadlines and the consequences of an account check by Paypal can take on threatening forms.

This means that the most important advantage of dropshipping is lost: the low capital commitment. With dropshipping, you buy products only after they have been sold. The costs of risk-bearing inventories are eliminated. That's why dropshipping is usually part of a fast growth strategy.

However, with very fast growth, delivery problems occur more often, which contributes to a negative rating of the account by Paypal.

So dropshipping does have one big advantage: 

You don't need to stock products yourself, carry less risk and have more cash. 

But there is also a disadvantage: 

Someone other than you is responsible for delivering the product to your customer.

Is he as reliable, fast and careful as you are? 

Third party delivery may even cause delivery problems. Because of the frequency of conflicts, there may be problems with your Paypal account.

Your account could be suspended and that would be the end of growth. This does not speak against dropshipping.

It is only a matter of recognizing the danger and banishing it. 

The conclusion is that you have a high trustworthiness with Paypal need to do if you're a dropshipper. Simple Seller Protection is an app for Shopify that will help you master this task.

In the next section, read how.

Among the best apps for Shopify is the Simple Seller Protection app, which offers a solution to four problems:

  • Deactivation of the Paypal account;
  • Withholding of funds by Paypal (also known as Freeze);
  • Constantly recurring risk assessments by Paypal;
  • Losses due to lost conflicts.

How the "Simple Seller Protection" app for Shopify works

The app synchronizes tracking data with orders in the store and with your Paypal account.

Paypal is automatically notified when an order is successfully delivered. The best Shopify apps offer solutions to specific problems.

In the case of Simple Seller Protection, the solution is: more trust. Paypal's business model is based on risk assessments.

Improve your assessment through Paypal and this service provider will demand lower reserves, pay out credits faster and be less inclined to subject your store to risk assessment. Conflicts are crucial to risk. With dropshipping, you lose full control over delivery.

Even if you are conscientious about delivery times, there will be delivery delays and losses, especially for products from overseas. More sales through dropshipping means more conflicts.

Simple Seller Protection offers a solution for this problem as well: standardized and automated conflict management.

Customers can always open a dispute case, even after they have received their order. Processing the complaint takes time, as does communication with Paypal.

Simple Seller Protection accesses tracking data again and automatically confronts a customer who opens the case with proof of successful delivery.

Paypal already has this data.

The result is that the conflict is quickly won.

Stores that use Simple Seller Protection gain up to 95 % of their conflicts. 

Many, quickly won conflicts strengthen the trust in your store and prevent a review with closure of your Paypal account.

That's why this app is a must-have for Shopify if you're dropshipping.

Lucky Orange - Learn the real reason why your visitors don't buy

If you communicate with your customers and make them feel like you're on their side, you're much less likely to get into conflict.

The best Shopify apps are either problem solvers or help you identify issues like. Lucky Orange Heatmap.

Many visitors of your store abort the order process somewhere. Lucky Orange Heatmap shows you your Shopify store from the visitor's perspective. 

Recordings of visitors' actions show where the cause for demolition arises.

The heatmaps document the user experience for each element, for example a dropdown list or a form, and link it to data about abandonments. 

The app also offers a chat function that allows users to be followed and helped immediately while browsing. Surveys about specific pages or aspects of the store provide further insights to optimize the user experience.

Other tools include form analytics with data on data sheet completion issues and the dashboard with user histories and real-time analytics.

Lucky Orange Heatmap provides vital information to improve the usability of a store.

Hurrify - More sales through scarcity and urgency

The best Shopify apps you've come across so far already prepare your store well for dropshipping. You now know how to protect your Paypal account, how to automate your email marketing, and how to analyze your store's user experience.

Next, you need to increase your conversion. The easiest way to do that is with urgency and canvassing.

Hurrify is an app for Shopify that helps you make promotions more successful and improve conversions quickly. Hurrify alerts your customers to the approaching end of offers or promotions.

The app has only one job: to create a sense of urgency. 

Because urgency is always the deciding factor when it comes to buying.

At its core Hurrify a timer.

Visitors to your store will see the clock ticking down to the end of a promotion and gain the conviction of having to make a decision. Alternatively, the clock shows the number of pieces still available and counts down.

With Hurrify you can boost the sale right after installation.

For you, this means more sales with the same advertising spend. This makes Hurrify perfect for your next product launch!

Ryviu - Import real customer reviews from Amazon, AliExpress & Etsy.

Your ultimate mission is not just to make sales, but to increase them through small incremental improvements. 

The easiest way to do this is with authentic reviews. Why do you think Amazon is so keen on their customers rating the products and giving an honest review?

That's right, it increases the conversion enormously!

But what do you do if you have a brand new store that hasn't gotten any reviews yet? 

Here is a simple trick: 

The best Shopify app for reviews and ratings is called Ryviu. This imports product reviews from Aliexpress, Amazon and DHgate. 

Customers can respond to reviews with questions about the product and read your answers. You can start polls and ask for votes.

After a product is delivered, the app generates an email to the customer asking for a review.

The app offers an email editor that can be used to create masks. With Ryviu you make your customers your best salespeople. 

You are no longer perceived as a salesperson that the customer wants to evaluate, but as a consultant who communicates with them about the pros and cons of products. 

Ryviu is the app that makes it clear to your customers that you and they have the same interest in good products.

Convergent interests strengthen customer loyalty and increase the likelihood that customers will want to visit your store regularly and receive your newsletter.

If a customer comes across an interesting product somewhere and first checks with you to see if you have it and how it is rated by your customers, then you get the maximum out of it Ryviu out.

The functionality of Ryviu Is integrable with dropshipping apps.

With Oberlo or Aliexpress, you can find products from suppliers that offer dropshipping and upload them to your store.

You can then pack the reviews directly from AliExpress or from Amazon to your dropshipping store.

My conclusion

There are super many apps you can use for your store. But most of them are rather unnecessary. These are in my opinion the best Shopify apps for dropshipping and absolutely indispensable - unless you hate money.

What's your favorite app that you can't live without? Let me know in the comments!

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Samuel Peiffer
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